A quantidade de droga apreendida pela Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF) mostra o que não é novidade há muito tempo, o Acre é um importante corredor do tráfico de entorpecentes.
De acordo com os número da PRF, em 2020 já foram apreendidos cerca de 316,30 kg de drogas. Esse número é 25,30% maior que as apreensões realizados no ano passado durante o mesmo período.
A última apreensão aconteceu na madrugada desta quarta-feira (29), quando uma equipe da Polícia Rodoviária Federal (PRF) abordou um veículo no km 110 da BR-317, em Senador Guiomard (AC). Dentro do automóvel estava apenas o condutor de 39 anos de idade.
Durante a entrevista policial, o motorista ficou extremamente nervoso, não soube responder com precisão as perguntas formuladas a ele e apresentou várias informações contraditórias. Os PRFs realizaram uma busca veicular de forma minuciosa e localizaram, sob o banco traseiro, um fundo falso. No interior do compartimento preparado, havia 2 tabletes envoltos em fita adesiva contendo substância com características de cocaína. A droga foi constatada no teste preliminar.
Diante do flagrante delito, ao receber voz de prisão, o homem confirmou a propriedade. Disse ainda que comprou o entorpecente, por R$ 13 mil, na cidade de Brasileia (AC), fronteira com a Bolívia e que revenderia tudo na cidade de Ji-Paraná (RO) com a intenção de lucrar. O veículo e a droga (2 kg de pasta-base de cocaína) foram apreendidos e encaminhados, com o preso, para Delegacia Geral de Polícia Civil em Senador Guiomard.
Entre janeiro e julho de 2019, a PRF apreendeu 252,42 kg de drogas (maconha e cocaína), com 26 pessoas presas. No comparativo com o mesmo período de 2020, foram 316,30 kg (maconha, skunk e cocaína) e 24 pessoas flagradas por tráfico de entorpecentes pela Instituição, nas rodovias federais BR-317 e 364, no Acre. Representando aumento de 25,30 % na apreensão total de drogas, no biênio.
Tradução inglês:
By Leonidas Badaró
The amount of drugs seized by the Federal Highway Police (PRF) shows what has not been new for a long time, Acre is an important drug trafficking corridor.
According to the PRF numbers, in 2020 around 316.30 kg of drugs were seized. That number is 25.30% higher than the seizures carried out last year during the same period.
The last seizure took place at dawn on Wednesday (29), when a team from the Federal Highway Police (PRF) approached a vehicle at km 110 of BR-317, in Senador Guiomard (AC). Only the 39-year-old driver was inside the car.
During the police interview, the driver was extremely nervous, did not know how to answer precisely the questions asked to him and presented various contradictory information. The PRFs carried out a thorough vehicle search and located, under the rear seat, a false bottom. Inside the prepared compartment, there were 2 tablets wrapped in adhesive tape containing a substance with cocaine characteristics. The drug was found in the preliminary test.
By Leônidas Badaró Information from AC24horas
The amount of drugs seized by the Federal Highway Police (PRF) shows what has not been new for a long time, Acre is an important drug trafficking corridor.
According to the PRF numbers, in 2020 around 316.30 kg of drugs were seized. That number is 25.30% higher than the seizures carried out last year during the same period.
The last seizure took place at dawn on Wednesday (29), when a team from the Federal Highway Police (PRF) approached a vehicle at km 110 of BR-317, in Senador Guiomard (AC). Only the 39-year-old driver was inside the car.
During the police interview, the driver was extremely nervous, did not know how to answer precisely the questions asked to him and presented various contradictory information. The PRFs carried out a thorough vehicle search and located, under the rear seat, a false bottom. Inside the prepared compartment, there were 2 tablets wrapped in adhesive tape containing a substance with cocaine characteristics. The drug was found in the preliminary test.
Faced with the flagrant crime, upon receiving a voice of arrest, the man confirmed the property. He also said that he bought the drug, for R $ 13,000, in the city of Brasileia (AC), on the border with Bolivia and that he would resell everything in the city of Ji-Paraná (RO) with the intention of making a profit. The vehicle and the drug (2 kg of cocaine base paste) were seized and sent, with the prisoner, to the General Police Station in Senador Guiomard.
Between January and July 2019, the PRF seized 252.42 kg of drugs (marijuana and cocaine), with 26 people arrested. In comparison with the same period in 2020, there were 316.30 kg (marijuana, skunk and cocaine) and 24 people caught for drug trafficking by the Institution, on federal highways BR-317 and 364, in Acre. Representing an increase of 25.30% in the total seizure of drugs, in the biennium.
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